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Terms and Conditions

No go's for Permanent Makeup (can't go ahead)


Candidates that we cannot treat are:

  • those under 18 years of age

  • people with unmanaged diabetes

  • pregnant and lactating women

  • people currently using retinol in the area to be treated

  • people with glaucoma (eyeliner only)

  • people with skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and undiagnosed rashes or blisters on the site that is to be treated.

  • People with any uncontrolled heart conditions or who are currently taking Aspirin, Warfarin, Vitamin E, St John's Wort, Steroids or other Cardiac medicines - including but not limited to ACE inhibitors, Aldosterone Inhibitors, Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARBs), Beta-Blocker, calcium channel blockers, Digoxin, Inotropic Therapy or Vasodilators.

  • people with allergies to makeup or colours

  • those with easily triggered post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation are not good candidates

  • those with transmittable blood conditions like HIV or Hepatitis

  • active skin cancer in the area to be tattooed

  • have healing disorders, uncontrolled high blood pressure or mitral valve disorder.

  • those on any skin medication such as ro-Accutane, steroids that thin and oversensitive the skin in the past 6 months

  • those undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment at present (or due to undergo such treatment) and any radiotherapy or chemotherapy came to an end not less than 42 days ago from the date of the treatment.



Allergy to Anaesthetics or colour pigments or other elements.

A patch test is an option offered to all new clients. Please ask for this service!  It is not automatic.  If you do not ask for a patch test it is assumed that you waive Janette Cosmetic Artistry from any allergy misconduct claims. 


If you want an allergy test, this has to be done any time before or at least 2 hours ahead of the booked appointment date.  However, if you wish to not have this done can sign a waiver and release the Janette Cosmetic Artistry from any liability if you develop an allergic reaction to the pigment or any of the products used. 

Please understand there are traces of nickel in some needles and pigments and that this may affect you if you have an allergy to nickel.  The sensitivity patch test will not always confirm or determine conclusively if you have an allergy to nickel or whether you will react to the products used within the treatment you requested.


Booking Fee $100

A Booking Fee is required to reserve any appointment at the time of the booking or within 24 hours of requesting the booking date and time.  The Booking Fee will go towards the total price of your treatment.


Booking Fee is non-refundable in the following circumstances

The Booking Fee is non-refundable if the appointment is cancelled or rescheduled less than 48 hours before the appointment time. In such situations, the original Booking Fee will NOT go towards the newly scheduled treatment.

The Booking Fee is non-refundable for no-shows.


Late to your appointment

If you are more than 15 minutes late to your appointment, it will be at the practitioner’s discretion to decide if you can go ahead with your treatment that day.  This will depend on other bookings scheduled for later in the day and if there is enough time to fit your entire appointment in,  If you are more than 30 Min late, you will automatically lose your Booking Fee and will need to rebook your appointment for another date, as well as pay a new Booking Fee towards the new appointment reservation.


Please note, that you must arrive on time for a paid or complimentary arrangement as a late arrival to an appointment will have a knock-on effect on the rest of the appointment times thereafter. Please be respectful and stay professional.


Pictures and videos will be taken during your procedure for reference purposes. They may be used by Janette Cosmetic Artistry and by them only for marketing purposes on social media sites and on their web pages, you will be asked for permission for public use before any pictures are used.  We do not allow filming at any one point during the appointment for the client's blogging purpose without prior negotiation.


Touch up Fee not included in 1st appointment price

A  touch-up treatment is subject to a stand-alone price,  it is not included in the initial appointment. See the prices page on the website for exact prices.  


Rescheduling your appointment

You need to ensure you reschedule your appointment at least 48 hours before your appointment.  Your booking fee is not refundable for bookings changed after this time. You will need to make another $100 booking fee if rebooking is under 48 hours.


Changes to your appointment by Janette

In instances where Janette needs to change your appointment due to unforeseen circumstances that make the appointment unmanageable, you will be given 48 hours' notice.  You will be offered an alternate date and time for the appointment. You will be required to approve/consent to the new time and day. Once moved, normal terms and conditions still apply.  If for any reason an appointment before yours runs late,  you will be notified as soon as possible and a new time..usually 15-30 min later for your appointment will be confirmed. 


Extra Appointments

Please note the payment of our service covers the cost for initial treatment only and therefore does not automatically entitle the customer to complimentary extra appointments.  Follow-up treatments are distributed on a case-by-case basis and down to the discretion of the technician who concluded the initial first treatment.  There may be a charge for extra appointments.  If you are coming for your final appointment, do let Janette know then and there if you require any changes. 


Halt of Service

Right to refuse Service - Stopping a session in progress

If at any stage during a service, any of the following apply,  Janette may ask for the appointment to be cancelled indefinitely, or for a new day to be arranged.  This is never personal and always a logical decision to ensure the safety and best outcome long term for the client's benefit.


-If you as a client are very anxious, unsure or showing signs of visible shaking, sweating tearing of the eyes etc. (This affects the outcome as precision can't be guaranteed)

-If you as a client or Janette is not happy with the shape of the makeup requested or no ideal shape can be settled upon by both parties.

If there are facial factors that are affecting Janette's ability to get a great outcome. these include,

-Post-stroke muscle weakness leads to a non-flattering shape or very bad symmetry.  In most cases, this is not an issue.

-Strong Muscle Pull causes brows or faces to change shape dramatically when moved. It can be very hard to settle on a brow shape in this instance because they cannot be made reasonably symmetrical.

-Facial features that limit a good outcome, i.e. scars, wrinkles, moles, birthmarks etc.

If Janette ends a session then your deposit and any money paid will be refunded.



Refunds are not available for completed appointments. If a client cancels halfway through due to an emergency this is dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


Please Speak up

Janette does everything she can to ensure a good result. It is up to you to speak up if you are not happy with the shape or pre-draw of your procedure.  You are always welcome to give your feedback or request changes before the 'tattooing'.  


Brow Shaping Technique

Janette uses your facial proportions and the golden ratio method, as well as levelling and refining apps to create a flattering brow that suits you.  Unusual shapes far outside of this modality are generally declined as a good look can not be achieved. Examples are odd shapes that sit outside natural hair patterns, odd-shaped fronts, and extra dark or thick brows.



If you deliberately violate any of our terms and conditions, including our aftercare suggestions, we will be excluded from liability and we have the right to cancel any paid or complimentary treatment in the future.  Your permanent makeup tattoo may not last long if aftercare is not adhered to.


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Janette Cosmetic Artistry

Beautiful, long-lasting makeup that enhances your natural beauty

Janette Cosmetic Artistry Logo.png

 Kapiti Coast



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